Using comments in Power Query

Excel Power Query Tips & Tricks

Comments are essential when developing power query items. They help to remind users what is happening and also for you develop the initial query.

Graham Cox

Power Query Comments

When writing new Power Query items, it is good practice that comments are entered in the Advanced Editor window, to not only help you when you look back at a query weeks or months in the future, but also for others viewing the query.

Depending on the complexity of the query, either one line or multi-line comments should be added, along with a header comment giving a basic overview of what the query actually does with data.

Single Line Comments

A comment that is only on one line, maybe a quick explanation of what a particulat step performs, should be prefaced with two forward slashes, //, as below.

    // Import data from Wiki page at the URL shown
    Source = Web.Page(Web.Contents("")){0}[Data]

Multi-line Comments

To enter a multi-line comment, such as an overview of the steps taken by the query, comments should start with a /* and end with a */, as shown below. Adding a list of steps to the header comment at the initial creation of the data also acts as a reminder of the transformations that are needed to be completed to obtain the final result.

Query imports a complete list of London Underground Stations from the Wikipedia URL shown in the first step

1. Imports data from URL
2. Selects required columns
3. Split Zones where station is in two zones
4. Sets data types
5. Rename columns

    // Import data from Wiki page at the URL shown
    Source = Web.Page(Web.Contents("")){0}[Data]

Keyboard Shortcuts

To add the relevant comment indicators using keyboard shortcuts, the key combinations below should be used.

CTRL + // to add or remove a single line comment

ALT + SHIFT + A to add or remove a multi-line comment

The Final Query

The full query with comments.

Query imports a complete list of London Underground Stations from the Wikipedia URL shown in the first step

1. Import data from URL
2. Select required columns
3. Split Zones where station is in two zones
4. Sets data types
5. Rename columns


    // Import data from Wiki page at the URL shown
    Source = Web.Page(Web.Contents("")){0}[Data],

    // First row as headers
    MakeHeaders = Table.PromoteHeaders(Source, [PromoteAllScalars=true]),

    // Select the required columns
    SelectColumns = Table.SelectColumns(MakeHeaders,
        {"Station", "Line(s)", "Zone(s)", "Usage"}

    // Split Zone column by the & delimiter to new rows where a station is in two fare zones
    SplitByDelimiter = Table.ExpandListColumn(
                {"Zone(s)", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(" & ", QuoteStyle.Csv), 
                let itemType = (type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true] in type {itemType}}

    // Set Data types
    SetZoneDataType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(SplitByDelimiter,
            {"Zone(s)", Int64.Type}, 
            {"Usage", type number}, 
            {"Station", type text}, 
            {"Line(s)", type text}

    // Rename columns i.e. remove (s) from column headers
    RenameColumns = Table.RenameColumns(SetZoneDataType,
            {"Line(s)", "Lines"}, {"Zone(s)", "Zones"}